Elementary Classes

German Language Immersion

The German Language Immersion approach at German ISD uses an immersive environment to teach young children by connecting words, phrases and hand-on experiences. Students rise to the challenge of reading fluently, writing proficiently, and building vocabulary and comprehension when their lessons are engaging and fun. Interactive lessons and assessments guide elementary learners from phonemic awareness (reading readiness) all the way to fluency, while also developing skills in sight reading, grammar, the writing process, and reading for understanding in German language.

The German language is spoken by over 100 million people worldwide. In addition to Germany, German is also spoken in Austria, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, and Luxembourg. German ranks third in the list of most commonly taught languages, right behind English and French. German and English are similar in nature; in fact, these two languages share 60% of their vocabulary.

Our German Language Curriculum BAYERISCHER LEHRPLAN PLUS

German in Kindergarten

The content for the curriculum for Kindergarten is based on the Bayerischer Erziehungsplan fuer Kinder in Tageseinrichtungen bis zur Einschulung https://www.ifp.bayern.de/imperia/md/content/stmas/ifp/bildungsplan.pdf

and includes stories, myths and legends. Although the class focuses on vocabulary acquisition, basic grammar principles are intuitively grasped through stories, activities, songs, and assessments. Through the course, students maintain and simple learn German phrases; begin to read, write, speak, and listen for meaning in German.

Elementary German

The curriculum for Lower Elementary is based on the Bayerischer Lehrplan Plus für Grundschule. https://www.lehrplanplus.bayern.de/schulart/grundschule

Students explore language through a fun and interactive experience designed for young learners. The content is based on an immersive approach, which runs throughout the different classes. Although the curriculum focuses principally on vocabulary acquisition, basic grammar principles are intuitively grasped through stories, games, activities, and assessments. Students will become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of German; expand their listening and reading comprehension and expand their ability to read, write, speak, and listen for meaning in German.

MULTIGRADE CLASSES following German ISD’s motto:
„Voneinander Füreinander Miteinander“

German ISD combines the Lower Elementary grade-level students to learn together “from-, for- and with each other” in a multiage and grade-level setting.

The principles of this method have plenty of benefits, and prepare the young children to become successful students and individuals:


  1. More opportunities for children to work and develop at their own level on a continuous basis (German ISD Lower Elementary Log Book).
  2. Flexibility of grouping is beyond the normal range of ages and abilities. It will benefit the children who are working below (or above) grade-level in certain skills.
  3. Students are continuously exposed to re-teaching, as they listen in on and benefit from, lessons being given to younger students. This review of the basics reinforces and clarifies a child’s understanding, even when they may be working at a more advanced level.
  4. Students are also exposed to pre-teaching.  This prepares and stimulates the young child’s thinking.
  5. Academic, physical, and social competition between peers is reduced, as is the anxiety and pre-occupation of having to compete. The learning and social atmosphere is cooperative rather than competitive.
  6. Positive social behaviors and expectations are modelled by the older students. The teacher plays a key role in modelling and intentionally teaching these skills, but in a multi-grade classroom, many models are already available for younger students.
  7. Older students have opportunities to genuinely help younger students learn. Their teaching helps them clarify their own learning.  The cognitive development and self-esteem of both younger and older students are improved. 
  8. Multi-grade classrooms are less homogenous than single-grade classrooms, therefore differences are the norm and more easily accepted.
  9. Students are expected to work independently at different times during the day. They receive more intentional training to be independent workers.
  10. Lengthier time with the same teacher increases trust, understanding of expectations, and positive relationships between teachers and students, as well as teachers and parents.
  11. Teachers continue to build upon their knowledge of each child’s interests, strengths, and needs over the multiple years they teach a child. What’s beneficial for teacher morale is beneficial for student success.
  12. The stability of having the same teacher for a number of years can increase emotional security, especially for those students whose home lives are in a time of transition or change.
  13. Effective learning time in the first term increases when children return to the same teacher.
  14. Children who require a few more months to mature have time to develop; they continue with the same teacher, and carry on at their own level, despite a new grade designation.
  15. Whether academically advanced or developing, children can easily take part in higher or lower level skills while maintaining interactions with peers.


With a focus on German Language Arts, German ISD’s curriculum for Lower Elementary includes the following subjects and lessons: